How We Are Creating A New Earth


Our ability to create exciting new realities for ourselves and the collective is directly proportional to our ability to OPEN to who WE ARE as Divine limitless beings. 

We are pure CONSCIOUSNESS looking upon ourselves as unique iterations of Source in skin, Formless in Form. As part of this human experience of being Form, we are living in a hologram, an intricately fabricated illusion where we as Formless Source are SEPARATE. And what we’re doing here on this earth is evolving human consciousness, individually and collectively. In order to experience the illusion of separation, we as Formless Source come into individual bodies and stories becoming Form and interact within the construct of TIME and SPACE in this 3D reality. 

Outside of this 3D reality, time and space don’t exist as we know it. Instead, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, EVERY UNIVERSE, EVERY EXPERIENCE...the INFINITE is ALL HERE NOW. It’s actually WHO WE ARE as pure CONSCIOUSNESS, PRESENCE, LOVE, JOY. 

Because we are living in this hologram, the illusion of separation, experiencing life from our LIMITED human selves, we are essentially BLIND to our true nature as Divine limitless beings. And we become programmed, habituated to only operate from our unconscious illusion of separation. 

At some point in our experience, we may choose to OPEN to who we ALREADY ARE and begin to change the PERSPECTIVE from which we live. We may choose to REPROGRAM ourselves by being PRESENT with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to whatever arises HERE NOW. This reprogramming is facilitated by PRACTICES that shift us out of our programmed unconscious way of living, so that we can OPEN to our true nature as Source, ONE with all that IS HERE NOW. 

We may choose to practice being PRESENT and HOLDING SPACE for these parts of our human selves that feel so SEPARATE. As we OPEN through being PRESENT with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to what’s here now, we EMBODY the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that we are. At this point, we begin to create new realities for ourselves and the collective. 

The more we WAKE UP from our unconscious human perspective and begin operating from our Divine limitless nature, the greater our ability to create from our LIMITLESS nature. We KNOW everything we need to know in THIS MOMENT. All abilities and resources are HERE NOW. This is how we create exciting new realities for ourselves and the Greater Good. 

This is how we EVOLVE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS and create WORLD PEACE. The reason why we haven’t created world peace before now is because we have not evolved as a collective to that point yet. But it is absolutely coming. How do I know this? Because we are PEACE itself. I AM creating this as SOURCE and ONE with all of you. Together, we are Creating A New Earth!